We believe wearing a uniform is practical, smart and contributes to a sense of belonging to our school community. Much of our uniform can be bought in the high street shops but school specific items are available from Trutex as on line orders, please quote the school code LEA00531PA. We regularly hold second hand uniform sales run by our parent organisation (FISA).
Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Yellow polo shirt (preferably with the school logo)
Bottle green sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan (preferably with school logo)
Bottle green fleece (optional)
Green and white checked or striped dress in summer
Grey or green tights
Grey, black, green or white socks
Black, brown or navy closed in school shoes (no open toes, high heels or trainers please)
Other essentials garments (seasonal):
- Warm, waterproof coat with hood.
- If wellington boots are worn due to weather conditions, children need to bring their school shoes to change into.
- Sunhat and sunglasses in hot weather.
- Sandals (black, brown or navy) [no open toes or high heels please] can be worn in the summer term
- Long sleeved top for Forest School
- Waterproof trousers for Forest School
Children will need to bring a coat to school every day as they go outside to play, in all but the most extreme weather.
Book bags
It is strongly advised that all children purchase a book bag. These can be purchased online via the School Shop in Arbor and collected from the School Office. These are to be sent to school every day with the child's reading book and red reading record in it.
Unfortunately we do not have room in school for children to bring in rucksacks or large bags. If your child comes to school by bus they are provided with a canvas bag (which they may personalise as they choose) for carrying their school items in whilst on the bus. Everyone else should just bring in their book bag, water bottle and lunch box separately.
PE Kit
For health and safety reasons all children must change into different clothes for Physical Education activities. They will need:
- Navy blue shorts
- T-shirt in plain white
- Trainers with Velcro fastenings (inexpensive trainers not designer) for outdoor games
- Black or navy blue jogging bottoms and hooded top or jumper for outdoor games sessions in colder months
- A hair tie is needed for children with longer hair as it must be tied back for all PE activities
- Spare pair of socks if your child wears tights to school
Parents are requested to make sure their child’s PE kit is in school each week in a labelled drawstring bag. It is also helpful to label each item with your child's name as it helps them to be independent in putting their PE kit back in the right bag.
Very good quality second hand uniform can also be purchased through the Fleet Infant School Association (FISA). Please ask at the school office or contact FISA for more information about dates of termly sales.
Please make sure all school uniform is clearly labelled to avoid missing items. Any unidentified clothing is placed in the Lost Property cupboard located in the main reception area and parents are welcome to come in and look for lost items if they wish.
Jewellery and Watches
Children should not wear jewellery or watches to school (unless it is an analogue watch) as these can easily be lost or broken. If you consider it necessary for your child to wear earrings for cultural reasons, parents are requested to make sure that they are studs to reduce the risk of injury. Your child must be able to remove these themselves for PE or tape from home must be used to cover them during PE lessons. Similarly if your child has to wear a medical bracelet please inform the school office and your child’s class teacher. The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or injuries caused by wearing jewellery to school.