Celebrating Success
At Fleet Infant School we celebrate success in many different ways. We always look for the positive and praise children for effort as well as achievement and positive behaviour. Below are some of the ways that children's achievements are valued and celebrated at school.
Celebration Assembly
Celebration Assembly is the children's favourite assembly as they wait to see who has earned a certificate that week for showing good learning behaviours or excellent work. The children come out to the front to receive their certificate and occasionally show their work, whilst being applauded by the other children. It is always a pleasure to celebrate their achievements, however small, and it is the highlight of my week ( Headteacher).
Each class nominates children for 'Star of the Week' who have impressed them in some way, for instance mastering a new skill or being a good friend. The children then vote and the winner is presented with a certificate in the celebration assembly.
Climbing the Tree to a Better Me - Year R
Each child has their own tree on which they collect stars towards a number of different behaviours and experiences on different rungs of the ladder. These are also linked to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning as well as the school values and e-safety. Once a child has collected three stars on one rung of their ladder we will celebrate their success and their name will be added to their class tree display.

Stars of the Week
Each week the children use their Democracy British Value to vote for a class member who has shown one of the school values that week. This child is then presented with a special certificate during assembly. The school values are Resilience, Kindness, Gratitude, Courage, Honesty and Respect.
Active Dance
We have a session of Active Dance in Years 1 and 2 every afternoon where we learn dance routines to pop music. This is part of our PE entitlement and it helps to keep us fit and active. Sometimes we are given Active Dance stickers when we take part sensibly and do all the movements with energy and enthusiasm!
Children in Year R can earn a 'wow' from any adult for learning to do something they couldn't do before that has really 'wowed' the adult. The children are told that not everyone can do the same things so although some children may think a 'wow' has been earned easily e.g. for writing their name, it is explained that we all find different things easy and hard.
Wow Stars at home: This follows the same guidelines - to reinforce the home-school link and to allow parents to contribute to their child's learning journey. A big 'wow' star is sent home once every half term for parents to award a 'wow' to their own child for something that has been done well or for the first time. These are then shared with the class and celebrated through a special achievement circle time.
Headteacher's Stickers
If any adult in school is really pleased with our work we are sent to the Headteacher to show our work or tell them what we have been doing. We are usually rewarded with a Special Headteacher's Sticker! Children regularly receive these stickers for good news such as being asked to speak in assembly, writing thank you letters on behalf of the school, better concentration in class, knowing clever facts, improving behaviour effort, resilience and so on. There is a 'Gold Book' in the reception area which shows all the work that has been awarded a special sticker over the year.