Being Mentally Healthy
At Fleet Infant School we teach our children about the importance of being 'Mentally Healthy'. We teach this concept through the introduction of the '5 Ways to Wellbeing' approach.
Throughout the year we hold half termly, whole school assemblies, which focus on each of the areas of the '5 Ways to Wellbeing'. Year groups also have regular presentations around the different focuses.
The 5 Ways to Wellbeing
Good relationships are important for being mentally healthy. Being kind is very important and when you are kind, it makes you feel good!
- Be kind to your friends, you could help them
- Is someone is sad cheer them up
- Look for children who are on their own at lunchtime and playtime
- At home, try switching off the TV and play a game with your family
Be Active
Being active is good for your mind as well as making your body
healthy. When you are active your brain helps you to be more positive!
-At school we have our morning run, we are active at playtime and lunchtime, during active dance and during our PE lessons.
-When you are at home, turn off the TV or switch of the game and become active!
Get Creative
Learning new skills and facts helps to improve our mental health.
-In school we learn new things every day
-Take on responsibility: offer to be a Playground Friend or Huff Puff monitor
-Could you find a hobby to do at home
Give to Others
Acts of giving and kindness can help improve you mental well-being.
Say thank you to someone who has done something for you
-Asking friends and family how they are and listen to their answer
-Offering to help someone who is stuck
-Helping in the community: perhaps picking up a piece of litter and putting it in the bin!
Be Mindful
Being mindful means having your mind on what you are doing. It is the opposite of rushing or doing too many things at once. To be mindful, you slow down to take your time. You do one thing at a time. You think about what is happening right now and understand yourself better.
-Listen to the sounds around you
-Listen to your breathing
-Notice thoughts and feelings as they happen
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
The area of Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH) includes:
- Social and emotional functioning
- Well being
- The ability to self-regulate and behaviour
- Mental Health wellness
The 2015 SEND Code of Practice defines SEMH in the following way:
“Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.”[1]
An increasing number of children and young people are experiencing Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. At Fleet Infant School we are committed to promoting and protecting all pupils’ and adults’ mental health and wellbeing throughout the culture of the school and curriculum. We do this by offering a nurturing approach. This helps us to prepare children for emotional ups and downs by teaching the necessary skills of perseverance and resilience. As a result, children become more self-assured and ready to engage with life and learning.
The skills, knowledge and understanding needed by our children to keep themselves and others physically and mentally healthy and safe are included as part of our PDL (Personal Development Learning) curriculum. This will hopefully give them the confidence to seek help, as needed, for themselves and others. We will follow the SCARF PDL curriculum to ensure that we teach mental health and emotional wellbeing issues in a safe and sensitive manner which helps rather than harms.
For some children and young people, difficulties in their emotional and social development can mean that they require additional and different provision in order for them to achieve. Therefore, some of our approaches will be targeted approaches aimed at individual children and/or small groups.
If you would like to know more then please read our ‘Positive Mental Health Policy’.
[1] ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25 years’, Department for Education & Department for Health, 2015)
Supporting Children with Anxiety
The Hampshire Educational Psychology Service has produced a leaflet to support parents in helping children who may be showing signs of anxiety or worry.
The school has paper copies of this resource which can be collected form the school office.
Where to find support
The following websites provide information and signposting to support with you and your families mental health needs.
CAMHS (Children's and Adult's mental Health Services)
Engage in their Future
Young Minds
Mental Health Foundation
If you feel that your child is having problems at school due to Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties please contact Mrs Monique Clark