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Fleet Infant School

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Our Curriculum Intent for Music


Music Education at Fleet Infant School is planned to inspire a love of music and develop children’s understanding of the musical elements, through an active involvement in performing, composing and appraising. Music is used to unite the school as children come together weekly to sing as music plays an important role in increasing children’s emotional well-being and confidence.


In KS1, the children enjoy singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. They have the opportunity to play both tuned and percussion instruments which they use to create, select and combine sounds. They also listen and move to a wide range of music.


The curriculum for Music at Fleet Infant School has been developed to ensure:

  • Pupils make excellent progress in the acquisition of skills and knowledge for Music
  • Pupils have the opportunity to develop a love of music and their talents as a musician including singing, experimenting, composition, performing and listening
  • Knowledge and skills are taught in a logical progression so that all pupils are able to acquire the intended skills and knowledge by the end of Key Stage 1
  • Music skills are taught within the context of a blocked unit enabling rich contexts, enrichment links with other subjects, breadth of learning, high expectations and a purpose for learning
  • Pupils have the opportunities to be curious, show concentration and perseverance, self-reflect, develop independence and collaborate
  • Rich dialogue and subject-specific vocabulary is written for each unit, drawing upon learning objectives as detailed in our Progression of Skills and Knowledge for Music. The strands of singing, performing, improvising, composing and listening are fully covered across all units.

Singing Assembly Songs 


Please find some of the songs that the children enjoy learning during part of their singing assemblies. 

Little Green Frog

Shake my Sillies Out


Grandma Rap

Alice the Camel

Please click here to visit the Department for Education website.