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Fleet Infant School

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School Meals

Eating a cooked meal together is a really important part of developing social skills and also learning to eat healthily. Our school lunches are provided by Cleverchefs. Their ethos is about creating a healthy lifestyle food culture in the early years. We understand that the first few years of eating at school can play a huge part in shaping a child's relationship with food. Starting out in the right way, seeing healthy fresh food as the norm is so positive for their future eating habits. All meals are accompanied by a drink of water.


Special dietary needs can also be accommodated. 


Children may choose on a daily basis whether they have a school meal or a packed lunch from home.


With effect from September 2014 all Infant School children became eligible for Universal Free School Meals.  This means that you do not have to pay for a school meal. To view current menus or to check eligibility for free school meals click HERE.


Fleet Infant School offers a daily menu of four choices. 


Each choice is colour coded Red (meat), Green (vegetarian), Blue (baguette - ham, cheese or tuna) or Yellow (hot pasta bar).  Once your child has made their selection, they must inform their teacher at registration.  This means that the kitchen can cook to order and each child should get the meal they have selected.


Please note that if your child would prefer a packed lunch, this is of course possible, however, this must be provided by you.

Fleet Infant School Bespoke Menu

Lunchtimes at School


The midday break is from 11.30-12.30pm in Year R and 12.00-1.00pm in Years 1 and 2.


During the lunchtime period, the children are cared for by Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants. They will monitor what the children eat and assist in any way to ensure the children are happy during their mealtimes.


Within the lunch hour the children will also have time for play outside. 



The school participates in the Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme enabling children to have a piece of fruit or vegetable each day free of charge. This is usually accessed mid morning at break time in KS1 and at snack time in Year R. 


Parents are encouraged to send in a bottle of water for their child to drink throughout the day (please make sure bottles have a sports cap top and are clearly labelled with your child's name).

Cool Milk Scheme


In line with the new Government School Food Plan our school provides a milk scheme, administered by Cool Milk, that is available to all of our pupils and we would like to invite you to register your child.  School milk is free for all under-fives.  Milk is also completely free for all children entitled to Pupil Premium Free School Meals.


Each pupil that registers with Cool Milk will receive a carton of fresh semi-skimmed milk every day.  This will be given at morning break. 


In order to register online please visit www.coolmilk.com by a Tuesday 5.00pm for your child's milk to start the following week. If you have any queries please contact the School Office.
