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Fleet Infant School

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Our curriculum intent for Geography


At Fleet Infant School we feel it is important to nurture and encourage children's natural curiosity, so they become inquisitive, questioning learners who look closely at the world around them and begin to be able to interpret what they see.  As a whole school we look at countries around the world and learn about the similarities and differences between British culture and other cultures.

In KS1 we begin to look in more detail at our local area.  We learn to draw and interpret maps and develop a variety of other skills through our topic work, including those of enquiry, problem solving, investigating and presenting our work.  We may use skills learned in Maths and English and apply them in new ways.

We aim to instil a sense of environmental responsibility in our children and encourage them to understand environmental issues at a local and global level.

Running through all of our Geography work at Fleet Infant School is the idea that we are motivating and inspiring our children to find out about their world, both physical and human, so that they can take an active part in contributing to and protecting this world as they grow up.



Our learning in action!

Year R Learning about the world

Year R Autumn walk - exploring the immediate environment and looking at changes


Year 1 - Geography skills and fieldwork - Walking down Velmead Road

Year 1 - Looking for physical and human features around school

Year 1 - Finding out about houses

Year 2 - Physical and human - The weather

Please see below for the outline of our Geography coverage.
Please click here to visit the Department for Education website.