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Fleet Infant School

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Design and Technology

Our Curriculum Intent for Design and Technology


At Fleet Infant School we believe Design and Technology education stimulates creativity and imagination through problem solving and the production of quality products. The children are taught to select and use appropriate tools safely and effectively to make a product.

In Key Stage 1 the children will learn to design purposeful, functional and appealing products that are based on design criteria. They will learn how to join materials in different ways. They will make products by using a wide range of materials and develop the use of tools to cut, shape, join and finish. They will learn to evaluate products and suggest how it could be improved to be stronger, stiffer and more stable. They also learn to prepare simple food with an emphasis on cutting, slicing and mashing techniques.  We aim for our children to be self-motivated and confident learners, who can work independently and as part of a team. 

Our learning in action!

Design and Technology Overview and Skills Progression

Please click here to visit the Department for Education website.