At Fleet Infant School we provide a curriculum that is flexible and engaging and equips the children with new skills and knowledge they need to support progress through their learning journey in and beyond the Early Years Foundation Stage. By allowing the children to be part of the planning process we will spark their curiosity and interests by encouraging them to think of ideas to explore and questions to answer at an appropriate cognitive level. We recognise children’s prior knowledge and experiences and build upon these by challenging the children’s thought processes. We encourage the children to develop what they have learnt and value their input in reviewing their learning at the end of the process. This allows the children to demonstrate what knowledge has been acquired and how connections have been made to secure deeper learning in their long-term memory. The approach of the children being actively involved explores and embeds the Characteristics of Effective Learning which demonstrates the need to reflect on the development of the children and adjust our practice accordingly.
Through working in partnership with pre-school settings, parents and carers we can identify children’s prior learning and experiences. We will take each child’s unique starting point and encourage them to make progress at their own rate, taking into consideration the different needs of the whole child. We recognise that some children require a slower pace of learning and some children respond to challenges which extend their thinking and application skills at a quicker rate. We intend to continually develop and adapt our teaching and learning to match each child’s differing needs. Our learning tools encourage a variety of skills which equip children across all areas of the curriculum and will support them in becoming successful learners.
Within our indoor and outdoor learning environment our children will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which supports the development of children across all seven areas of learning. Along with our learning tools which equip children to be successful and independent learners, the adults will work alongside the children skilfully to observe, support, question and extend relationships, play and learning. We believe children’s first experiences of school should be happy, positive and nurture a lifelong love of learning.