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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Welcome to Ladybird Class 2023/24!


- Class Teachers - 

Mrs Hurst (M-Th)

Mrs Allaway (F)


- Learning Support Assistants -

Mrs Abbott (M-W), Mrs Sharp (Th-F)


Library book change day is Tuesday.

PE is Tuesday.



This term we have been learning about oceans and under the sea.

We have created lots of sea themed craft including paper plate fish and tissue paper jellyfish.


Sir David Attenborough has been used to help us learn about our environment and how important it is to throw our rubbish in the bin, particularly plastic.

We made some posters to remind everyone how important this is and we even send some of our work to Sir David!

Hogmoor Inclosure


We had a fantastic day!

In the morning we completed some activities to help us explore the environment. We looked for different textures and made rubbings of them; we sketched some of the plants that we could find and looked for clues to find some abstract photos of different parts of the park.

We also found a piece of Hogmoor 'treasure' to take back to school to remind us of our trip.


In the afternoon we had so much fun trying out some of the playground equipment to support our learning about parks and playgrounds. We worked together in pairs and as teams to explore and use different equipment and had so much fun playing with our friends!

Chinese New Year 2024

It is the Year of the Dragon! We thoroughly enjoyed our Chinese New Year workshop where we met the Emperor, played music, moved like lions and created a long dragon. As part of our learning we also found out about China, tasted some traditional Chinese foods and have explored lots of different activities which have helped us find out more information. We have even made The Great Wall of China out of construction materials and looked at it from space!

Little City Visit - November

We were very lucky to have a pop-up play village come to our school for the day.


The children were able to explore the roles and jobs in;

a vet surgery

an emergency centre

a café

a beauty salon

a building site

a supermarket

a doctor's surgery

a laundrette

a post office

and a garage


What a busy time we had exploring all of the areas. The adults enjoyed it too!!


Our first few weeks at school

We have been busy exploring the indoor and outdoor areas during our first few weeks. There are lots of fun things to do!

