School Attendance
At Fleet Infant School we aim to work closely with parents and carers to achieve and maintain high standards of attendance. For a child to reach their full educational achievement a high level of school attendance is essential. We are committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all our children and endeavour to provide an environment where all pupils feel valued and welcome. Every child has a right to access the education to which he/she is entitled. Parents and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all. Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%.
It is our duty to consistently strive to achieve a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance. For our children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered it is vital a child is at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. The routines children develop around attendance and punctuality at school are the same as the expectations of any future employer in the world of work. High attainment, confidence with peers and staff and future aspirations depend on good attendance.
In February 2015, Hampshire County Council issued a Code of Conduct for issuing Penalty Notice fines following unauthorised absences. These guidelines remain current following the Supreme Court's judgement in the Isle of Wight case. Please refer to the following link.
Attendance and Advice on the Issuing of Penalty Notices Autumn 2024
Any non-attendance at school must be reported on the first day of absence. Please contact the School Office by telephone by 9.00am and record the details of your child's absence.
For further detailed information please refer to our Attendance Policy under the 'School Policies' tab.
As set down by the Department for Education, schools are only able to authorise absence from school in exceptional circumstances. In making a request for an authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional (via our Absence Request Form obtainable directly from the School Office or download above). Please note there is no general right to authorise absence for a family holiday and if you take your child out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised and a Penalty Notice may be considered. Unauthorised absence is absence not approved by the school and will be coded on your child's attendance record as one of the following:
O - unauthorised absence / U - late after close of registration
G - non-approved leave of absence (holiday)
Please refer to the information detailed here from HCC which may help support parents about making informed choices about their child's attendance.