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Welcome To

Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Welcome to Squirrel Class 


Class teachers: Miss Barnes (M-W) & Mrs Gregory (Th-F) 

Classroom LSA: Mrs Allaway (M-Th) & Mrs Cripps (F)


PE Day: Wednesdays 

Library Day: Friday


DT - Dips and Dippers 

In DT we loved tasting 4 different dips and dippers. We thought about what we liked about them and then made a plan for which one we wanted to make. 


We have been lucky enough to introduce orienteering into our PE curriculum this year! We really enjoyed navigating the maps and working as a team to complete the tasks together.

You Choose

After reading the book 'You Choose' by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart we enjoyed looking at all the amazing illustrations and talking about the different choices we would make. We then drew our own pictures and wrote what we would choose. 
