The Governing Body
Welcome to our Governors’ section
Who are we?
Our Governing Body is made up of 12 people, drawn from different parts of the community, including parents, staff, the local authority and the wider community. Everyone brings their own skills, perspective and experiences to ensure we have a diverse team.
What are we responsible for?
- offering a strategic view of the running of the school by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives;
- accountability to parents and the wider community. We must gather views, ask questions and decide what is best for the school;
- supporting and challenging the head teacher (critical friend) through a mutual relationship of trust and respect. The Governing Body works with the head teacher to create a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing a school.
We currently do this by holding 3 meetings per term. These meeting include the whole governing body to ensure we are all fully informed and can agree and approve key decisions, visions in a timely manner. We receive a report form the head teacher at every meeting which updates us on all aspects of school life and we make regular monitoring visits linked to the School Development Plan. We also review the school’s financial position at every meeting, making sure our money is well spent and that we are operating within approved budgets.
Each Governor is also assigned to a particular responsibility, covering everything from the curriculum, the school’s financial position, safeguarding, Health & Safety, pupils’ development and well-being, through to supporting the Head Teacher in making decisions on the strategy and direction of the school and responding to external concerns, such as the Covid 19 pandemic.
Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor.
Governing Body Minutes
Governing Body Membership 2024-25
Register of Governors' Interests Year 2024-25