New Parents September 2024
We would like to say a very warm welcome to all of our families, current and new, who will have a child starting with us in September.
Starting school is a very exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, experience for both children and parents but we are here to support you through this time.
Welcome meeting for new parents
It was lovely to see our new parents at the introductory meeting.
We hope you found the event useful, giving you a little insight into the start of your child's school journey.
If you were unable to come, please find the presentation below.
If you have any questions, please drop us an email.
We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Arbor Parent Portal Guide
Virtual Tour Year R
We are looking forward to your child/ren will joining us in September but until we are a little closer to your children starting school, here are a few things you can be working on, over the next few months, to get your child ready for school.
School readiness