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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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The School Day

School Opening Hours


Reception - 8.40am-3.10pm

KS1 - 8.45am-3.15pm

(A total of 32.5 hours per week)

A morning welcome

KS1 children are welcomed into the school by a member of staff at 8.45am ready for registration at 8.50am.  Year R children are welcomed in to school by Year R satff at 8.40am.  Children enter the school through the main front door or by the side gate at the end of the hall (Year R).  It is possible for you to pass on any important information relevant to your child's class teacher or another member of staff and their day at school, for example a change in collection arrangements.


It is important that your child arrives at school promptly so that they begin their day in a settled manner and are ready for their learning.  If you are late your child will need to enter the school by the main door so that they can be signed in.


SCL provide a Breakfast Club, which runs from 7:45-8:45 on the school site, then the children are  taken to their classrooms in time for registration. 


All children have a mid-morning break where they are able to have fruit and milk (see Cool Milk).  The fruit is provided by the school and milk is free for children under five years of age and those in receipt of Pupil Premium.  Children have free access to their own water bottles throughout the day and are encouraged to drink regularly for their own health and well-being.

Break time

In Year R the children have regular access to the outside area as part of their Early Years curriculum, therefore they do not have a designated break time. 


In Years 1 and 2, break time is from 10.30-10.45am and the children have access to the 'fitness trail', woods, climbing apparatus, football and various other outdoor play equipment.  Children play with the children in their year group, either at the front of the school or on the playground at the back, swapping over areas weekly.


First aid qualified staff are on hand to deal with minor cuts and injuries which are recorded in the school accident book. Parents will be notified if it is considered necessary. More information can be found in the school's Health and Safety policy.



Eating a cooked meal together is a really important part of developing social skills and also learning to eat healthily. All of the meals provided at school are healthy, balanced and nutritious. They are cooked on the premises and offer a vegetarian and meat option. Special dietary needs can also be accommodated. All meals are accompanied by a drink of water.


School meals are free for all infants, however if your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch then they can of course do so.


School lunchtime is from 11.30am to 12.30pm for Year R and 12.00noon to 1.00pm for Year 1 and 2 and includes a supervised playtime before/after lunch.


The End of the Day

The school day ends at 3.10pm for Year R and 3.15pm for KS1.   Parents wait outside the classroom doors to collect their children and this is a good time to catch up with your child's teacher if you have any worries or concerns or just general information to pass on. The teacher will only release a child when the person responsible for picking them up is identified by the child.


Any children who have not been collected wait at the school reception area until a parent or carer has been contacted and they can be safely collected.

Typical Day in Year R

8.40-8.50am    Registration

9.00-9.20am    Phonics

9.20-11.30am   Child initiated and adult directed learning.  This session may includea whole class snack   time and story.

11.30-12.30pm  Lunchtime

12.30-1.00pm    Registration and Mental maths session

1.00-2.45pm     Child initiated and adult directed learning.

2.45-3.10pm    Storytime and end of day routines

Typical day in KS1

8.45-9.05am       Registration and morning tasks

9.05-9.30am       Phonics

9.30-10.30am     Literacy

10.30-10.45am   Breaktime

10.45-11.45am   Maths

11.45-12.00am   Storyime

12.00-1.00pm     Lunchtime

1.00-1.20pm       Reading Time

1.20-2.35pm       Foundations subjects e.g. science, music,art, geography, history, DT,

2.35-2.50pm      Collective Worship

2.50-3.00 pm     Active Dance

3.00- 3.15 pm   Storytime/News/Discussion

After School Provision

SCL run after school provision everday from 3.10pm-6pm on the Fleet Infant School site.  All children are eligible to attend regardless of year group. 


SCL also run a number of after school clubs which KS1 children can attend e.g football and club energy.

Travelling to School

We encourage our children to walk to school whenever possible as parking in the school car park and the immediate vicinity is limited.  We have scooter pods available if your child would like to scoot or cycle to school, although these are left at your own risk.  If you do come by car then please try and car share with friends and neighbours to reduce the traffic and ensure that your are parking and driving respectfully and safely around the school.
