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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Parent Helpers

We are very pleased to welcome parents, carers and grandparents into school to help out in a range of ways. Year R parents are invited to help after Christmas starting in the Spring Term thus giving children a chance to settle. In Years 1 and 2 helpers can begin at the beginning of the academic year as soon as we have received the required paperwork.


If you would like to help out there are various checks you need to go through as of course we need to safeguard all children in the school. You will be required to obtain an enhanced DBS disclosure through the process set out below and you will be invited to a meeting with the headteacher or deputy headteacher where the role and types of activities you will be involved in will be explained including safeguarding information. All the necessary forms are below.  Please ensure that you read all of the PDF documents in full then complete the following forms and return them to the school office:-

  • Support Staff Application form ensuring a full employment history is detailed, from end of education to present day, including any career breaks and the reasons for them e.g. raising children.  We will also request the names of two referees, professional or character.  
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act declaration form
  • Childcare Disqualification Staff declaration form
  • Child Protection Declaration form


After attending the information meeting and submitting your application forms you will be able to sign up either to help in your child's class, a different class or to work across the school, for example in the library or supporting computing. In a few situations children do not cope well with their parent in class and we may have to ask you to work in another class if your child is becoming distracted by your presence.  You will be asked to support all children and carry out a range of tasks such as helping prepare resources, supporting children with individual reading or working with a small group, to name but a few.  The role is very varied and most parents find it rewarding especially if they work with one class over a whole year.


Look out for the dates of the parent helper meeting early in the Autumn term and feel free to come along. If you are unable to attend or join the school during the school year just pop into the office and express your interest and we will be only too pleased to help. Further information will be provided at the meeting and the 'Guidelines for Helping at School' booklet is available for you to look at.



Extra Curricular Visits

Throughout the course of the school year, each year group will go on a number of extra curricular visits both local and further away.  If you are unable to make a regular commitment to help in school, these can be an excellent way of supporting the school (but be advised you will be working with a group of children that does not contain your own child). Staff will usually ask for help through the newsletter or a note on the class door so please keep an eye out if you feel able to help in this way.


We look forward to welcoming you into school.


Information Pack for Parent Helpers
