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Fleet Infant School

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Welcome to Hedgehog Class 2023-2024

Class teachers: Mrs Hutchison (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Andrews (Thursday, Friday)

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Dennis


PE days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Library: Friday

Summer Term B

During the final half term of the year the children will have PE on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school every day including plimsolls/trainers that fit. The children will be preparing for sports day during their lessons and will also be learning tennis skills during lessons delivered by a specialist coach.


This half term we are learning about what is special about our school. We started the unit by looking at world maps and finding the United Kingdom. We discussed which continent the UK is in. Then we looked at a map of the UK and recapped the countries that make up the UK and the capital cities of each one. We also found where Fleet is in the UK.

Summer Term A

This half term the children will have Athletics lessons on Mondays and PE lessons with CM Sports during PPA on Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has full PE kit in school every day including trainers/plimsolls that fit. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed or covered with medical tape if they cannot be removed.

Dinosaur Day

We started our topic on Dinosaurs by coming to school dressed as dinosaurs, paleontologists and dinosaur explorers! We talked about what we already know about dinosaurs and used a range of information sources to find out more. We talked about what different dinosaurs ate and sorted them into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We enjoyed pretending to be paleontologists and using small spoons as shovels and paintbrushes to find evidence of dinosaurs!

Spring Term Second Half


This half term the children will have hockey with a specialist coach on Tuesdays and will have CM Sports on Wednesdays. They will need full PE kit to be kept in school at all times as they may need their kit on other days too.

Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings removed (or taped over if they cannot be removed). The children will need jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt/hoodie for these lessons as they will be outside. 

Visit from Wild Science

We were very excited about the visit from Wild Science and loved meeting the animals!

First we met Billy the guinea pig who had wiry fur and is a mammal. Lots of us enjoyed stroking him. Then we met Tequila the curly haired tarantula and found out about how tarantulas are adapted to living in dark, warm environments. We found out how Betty the white tree frog can camouflage according to the environment. Her skin felt smooth and just a little bit wet like playdough does. Next we met Gary the giant African land snail and were interested to hear about what these animals can eat. Finally we met Burt the royal python. Many of us enjoyed stroking him and getting up close with him.

Hockey Lessons

This half term we have hockey lessons with a specialist coach. In our first lesson we learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly and how to stand in the 'hockey ready' stance with our knees bent. We learnt the rules to keep everyone safe and how to dribble and stop the ball. We also worked on how to look around like a meerkat so we are aware of other players near us.

Spring Term First Half

This half term the children will have Gymnastics lessons on Friday mornings. All children will need a t-shirt and shorts (NOT jogging bottoms) for Gymnastics lesson and long hair must be tied back.

On Wednesdays the children will have PE lessons with CM Sports. 

The children may have PE lessons at other times so please ensure full PE kits are in school at all times. Long hair should be tied back for PE lessons and earrings covered or removed.


Forest School is on Wednesday mornings this half term. Please send in Forest School clothes, including waterproof trousers, coats and wellington boots, on Wednesday mornings.

Information Writing about Space

In English we are learning about information writing. We worked with a partner to write sentences about one of the planets in our Solar System. We were challenged to include some of the conjunctions that we have learnt about recently and to include a sub-heading for our piece of writing.

Learning to Make Hinges in Design and Technology

In our Design and Technology lessons we found out about where we might find hinges in our environment. We learnt how to make hinges on pieces of card and then practised making openings in card with hinges. We drew around different shapes and carefully cut along the lines to make windows and doors. Cutting carefully was tricky! Here we are making doors and windows. 

Autumn Term Second Half

This half term the class will have a Dance Day. They will continue to have PE lessons with CM Sports on Wednesdays. Please ensure PE kits are in school every day. Children will need full PE kit including trainers/plimsolls, jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt or hoodie as they will have outside lessons unless the weather is very wet. 


In Geography we have learnt about what we can see, and find out, on maps. We have looked at maps in atlases and maps of the local area. We found geographical features and considered whether they were human or physical features. We were fascinated to look at the local area on google maps on ipads too. We found Fleet, the M3 motorway, Fleet Pond, our school, Velmead Road, Fleet train station and lots of other places we know as well.


We have enjoyed developing our skills and have used Microsoft Paint to create pictures. We have learnt to use different features including lines, shapes, brush and fill. We used our skills to create fireworks pictures.

Instruction Writing

In English we have been learning about writing instructions. We have used 'bossy verbs' to tell people what to do. We have learnt to number our instructions to help people follow them in the correct order and to start each instruction on a new line.

We LOVED making jam sandwiches! We followed instructions carefully to make them and then we really enjoyed eating them! Then we wrote our own instructions about how to make jam sandwiches so others could follow them to make jam sandwiches too.

Autumn Term First Half

This half term the children have Forest School on Tuesday mornings. They need to bring their Forest School clothes and wellington boots to school every Tuesday in a clearly named bag. They can wear their Forest School clothes to school if they like and bring their school uniform to change into after their session.


On Fridays the children will have Gymnastics lessons. All children must wear shorts when working on the apparatus. Long jogging bottoms are not permitted for health and safety reasons.

On Wednesdays the children will have PE lessons with CM  Sports coaches. 

Please ensure children come to school with long hair tied back on these days. Earrings must either be removed or taped over. 

Please ensure your child's PE kit is kept in school at all times as they may need it other days of the week too. Please make sure all clothing, including plimsolls or trainers, are clearly named so your child can recognise their own belongings.

Here is the power point shared at the Meet the Teacher meeting on 5.9.23.


In Computing we are learning about Graphics. We have learnt to use different tools on 2Paint on Purple Mash including Spray Can, Lines and Fill and Pointillism. Using our new skills we have created our own pictures. We have also learnt how to turn the laptops on, log in and find the program we need. We have worked hard to use the mouse on the laptop keyboard and have persevered when we have found this tricky. We have also learnt how to shut down the laptops correctly at the end of our lessons.


In Geography we have been learning about the seven continents and five oceans of the world. We have been learning the names and finding them on maps of the world.

We looked carefully at the shapes of the continents on Google Earth. We created our own world maps using photographs of the continents and labels of the continents and oceans.

Forest School

Today we had our first Forest School lesson in Year 1. It was a beautiful sunny day and wonderful to be outside.  Ms Weinmann reminded us of the rules for Forest School to keep us all safe. She showed us how to use a new microscope to look closely at things. We had a lot of fun outside today exploring Forest School!
