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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Welcome to Dragonfly Class 2023/24!


- Class Teacher -

Mrs Harding


- Learning Support Assistant - 

Mrs O'Connor



We change our library books on a Tuesday.

PE is on Tuesday.


A mysterious looking box turned up in our classroom after lunch. We decided that it was a lost piece of luggage. We looked carefully at all of the items inside and decided it belonged to a child from over 100 years ago. We also worked out that they might be going to be beach as they had packed a towel, a bucket and spade, a diabolo, a penny lick and lots of other interesting items that you might take on holiday with you! 


Fairy Tale Forest - The children really enjoyed their theatre workshop and loved acting out different fairytale creatures. They were Jack, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Giants and lots more!

Hogmoor Inclosure 


We had a fantastic first school trip to Hogmoor Inclosure and the weather stayed mostly dry for us throughout the day! The children were all very excited in the morning and enjoyed travelling on the coach. When we arrived the children did three different activities including sketching, rubbings and a scavenger hunt. There were lots of interesting plants and trees for the children to sketch but they especially liked the gorse. 


In the afternoon the children enjoyed exploring three different playgrounds. They enjoyed going on slides, climbing frames, swings, rocking horses, see-saws and playing in the sandpit. Having this opportunity will help the children answer questions from their 'Big Book' learning all about Playgrounds. We talked about the different types of playgrounds that we can have and the types of equipment that we can use in them. Over the next few weeks the children will be designing and making their own playground! 

Easter Hats

World Book Day

Planet Earth 

The children have really enjoyed finding out about Planet Earth this half-term. 

We started our learning journey thinking about hot and cold places. The children enjoyed using an atlas to find different countries and we learnt the names of the continents and oceans. 

We then focused our learning on the country China. The children enjoyed finding out where China is in the world and learning about the different types of food, animals and culture they have. We then began thinking about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. 

Firefighters Visit our School!

Little City Workshop. The children had a fantastic time exploring this city and taking on different occupations. We had firefighters, doctors, nurses, police officers, hairdressers and mechanics. It was a fantastic morning!

First Week in School - The children have really enjoyed exploring different activities inside and outside of the classroom during their first week at school.
