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Welcome To

Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Welcome to Fox Class 


Class Teacher: Miss Grant

Classroom LSA: Mrs Dance


PE day: Wednesday - CM Sports

Library day: Friday


In Autumn B, the children will have their weekly P.E lessons outside with specialist sport's coaches CM Sports on Wednesday mornings.

Please ensure children come to school with long hair tied back daily and earrings either removed or taped over.  Please ensure P.E kits are kept in school at all times and returned after a club.  P.E days are subject to change with timetabling issues and weather.



We have been looking at the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  We have been thinking of adjectives to describe the horrid troll who lives under the creaky bridge.  The troll has gone missing so we have created wanted posters to help find him.  We hope you like our descriptive posters.

Dips and Dippers

As part of our Design and Technology lessons we tried a range of dips and dippers.  We decided if we liked the smell, taste and texture.  We used words to describe these, such as, fresh, crunchy, wheaty, sour, sweet. We look forward to making our own dips in a couple of weeks.

You Choose

After reading the book 'You Choose' by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart we enjoyed looking at all the amazing illustrations and talking about the different choices we would make. We then drew our own pictures and wrote what we would choose. 


We have been learning how to use the touchpad and left click button when navigating the computer.  On purple Mash, we enjoyed using 2Paint a Picture and the 'swirly' programme to create Autumn Trees.
