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Fleet Infant School

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Year 2

Year 2 - Autumn Term Curriculum Map 2024

Our Topic this term is 'Sizzle! Crackle! Bang!' Below are some of the things the children will be learning this term.

Key information

Key words

In Year 2 it is expected that children will read key words on sight, or be able to fluently apply their phonics to read them.  Throughout the year children will also be learning to spell these words.  Some of these words are 'tricky words' that cannot be sounded out (e.g. said) and some of these words require the children to apply their phonics knowledge (e.g. sound them out). Please click here to see the words the children will be covering in Year 2, through their phonics lessons, spelling time and the English curriculum.  Children will also bring home 10 spellings each week to practice and will be tested on these.



Your child will bring home a scheme book appropriate for their reading level in their book bag each day.  Once the book has been read either at home or school, and this has been recorded in the red or yellow reading log, your child will be able to change their book to get the next one in that particular scheme.  For more information about reading, please refer to the home-school partnership document at the bottom of this page.  Thank you for your continued support in reading regularly with your child at home. 


Letter formation

Your child will continue to practise the letter formation that they learnt in Year R and 1.  In Year 2, the children will then be expected to develop a neat joined handwriting style.  Please see below for guidance on letter formation.

Useful Website Links

Purple Mash

Don't forget to use Purple Mash to enhance your child's learning.


