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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Our Curriculum Intent for P.E.


Physical Education at Fleet Infant School inspires children to realise their full potential and develop a lifelong interest in physical activity and sport, whatever their ability in P.E.  We believe P.E. is about more than just the physical education but important for the mind and well-being of individuals.  All of these areas of P.E. in our school promote good health, instil self-discipline, develop skills, improve self-confidence, reduce stress and develop lifelong learning skills.

Our P.E. curriculum is inclusive and ensures that all abilities can participate and achieve at their level and work towards improving their personal goals, leading to active and healthy lives.  Children will develop their gross motor skills alongside their fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and co-ordination) through a range of units including dance, gymnastics, games and athletics. 

In addition to our P.E. curriculum, specialist coaches enhance the teaching and learning of P.E. through developing skills in Tennis, Skipping and Hockey.  We also have P.E. coaches who deliver rich P.E lessons to year groups half-termly and provide extra-curricular activities. 

Successes and achievements of sports completed outside school are also celebrated by sharing certificates and medals. 

Our learning in action!



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