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Fleet Infant School

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Year R

Helpful tips for reading wordless books

Please find below some ideas for how you can support your child on their reading journey, starting with wordless books.

Year R Phonics, Reading and Maths presentations

Thank you very much to all the parents that were able to come to the presentation evening. Hopefully you found the information useful and understand how you can support your child on their learning journey.

If you were unable to attend please find the PowerPoints below.

Please pop and see the class teacher if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your support.

Year R Curriculum Presentation

Thank you to those parents who were able to make it to the presentation.

If you were unable to come please find below the slides that were shared.

If you have any questions please pop in and ask.

Thank you.




We would like to say a very warm welcome to all of our new Year R children and their families.

We look forward to meeting you all on your home visits!

Letter formation and handwriting

Please find images of how to support your child in achieving the correct letter formation.


- lower-case letters start at the top

-dots and horizontal cross lines are added after the main part of the letter has been formed

-capital letters start at the top and go down first, the pencil is then taken off the paper to add the horizontal lines

It is extremely important that your child uses a comfortable and efficient pencil grip, even though this may not be the same as your own. This should be the pincer grip.

Climbing the tree to a better me


Our special tree focuses on the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Social aspect of our learning. In Year R we are practising using our manners, being a good friend and being respectful and responsible.


We can earn three stars for each rung of the ladder and at the end of the year we can earn a special sticker at the top of the tree for our effort in trying to show these things.


When we have collected three stars of the same colour we can show our certificate in assembly and our name is moved up the ladder in class to show our progress.
