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Fleet Infant School

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Learning Behaviours and Growth Mindset

Learning Behaviours

At Fleet Infant School, we have high expectations of the Learning behaviours used by our children in every lesson. There are six behaviours we focus on:


  • Listening - I can listen to others and respect their ideas and feelings.
  • Managing Distractions- I can concentrate with other things going on around me.
  • Collaboration - I can work and play with others.  I can ask for help and help others by sharing ideas.
  • Rising to the Challenge - I am not afriad to have a go at something new or challenging (and if I get stuck, that is when I really start to learn!).
  • Explaining - I can talk with others about what I am doing and what I am finding out.
  • Perseverance - I can 'stick' at a task to get it done.