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Fleet Infant School

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Our Curriculum Intent for Science


Young children are naturally curious and passionate about learning. At Fleet Infant School we provide a stimulating science curriculum that nurtures children’s natural curiosity and their on-going intellectual development. The exciting, practical, hands-on experiences which we give them, will encourage curiosity and questioning. Our inquiry-based curriculum draws from our local environment, where possible, and supports children in experiencing the joy of having wonderful ideas, exploration and investigation – that is, the joy of finding out.

By the end of KS1 we will ensure a continually evolving knowledge and bank of core skills which will equip them for an ever changing world.


Our learning in action!

Science is linked to whole school topics wherever possible.  Where necessary, science is taught as discrete units and lessons to ensure coverage.  We recognise that science has links to other subject areas. Such links include, for example, writing instructions in English, creating graphs and tables in computing, and interpreting data in maths.

Our science teaching and learning:

  • Is fun and engaging and allows children to develop their curiosity by asking and answering questions
  • Encourages open-mindedness, self-assessment, perseverance and investigative skills including: observing, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, communicating, interpreting, explaining and evaluating
  • Develops scientific vocabulary which enables our children to communicate their understanding of taught concepts
  • Provides our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for their continued education and for life in an increasingly scientific world


The Curriculum Leader for Science evaluates the impact of the curriculum through topic reviews, moderation activities, curriculum team subject reviews, learning walks, pupil interviews, data analysis and work sampling.


Teachers use non-core assessments to check planned skills/knowledge have been remembered and pupils have a high level of automaticity/independence. Teachers use assessment to identify useful feedback and to plan/adjust subsequent learning.

Science Overview

Please click here to visit the Department for Education website.