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Fleet Infant School

To try is to Achieve, to Achieve is to Grow

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Welcome to Squirrel Class 


Class teachers: Miss Barnes (M-W) & Mrs Gregory (Th-F) 

Classroom LSA: Mrs Allaway 


PE Day: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 

Library Day: Friday


Meet the Teacher Presentation


We have had a wonderful half term learning to play hockey. We are now able to dibble and pass the ball to our team mates and have even started to play games against each other. 

Wild Science 

What a wonderful morning we had meeting some amazing animals! We were able to hold and stroke some of the animals and even had the chance to have a snake around our necks! We found out lots of new facts about these animals. 


This half term the children have learnt to use the apparatus confidently. They have developed their jumping, balancing and climbing skills. They have applied what they learnt in the Autumn term; shapes and different balances to the apparatus and created simple routines moving along, over, under and through the apparatus. 

Learning about Space

The children have thoroughly enjoyed our topic this half term. They have shown fantastic enthusiasm throughout and have produced some fantastic writing about Space. We used some of the knowledge we learned at The Science Museum and then did further research so we could learn as much as we could about Our Solar System. In DT, we made space rockets. the focus was creating doors and windows with working hinges. The children really rose to the challenge with these and they looked fabulous! 



As part of our learning in English we listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We had to think of ideas to help Little Red Riding Hood to catch the wolf so we wrote her a set of instructions. We had lots of practice learning imperative 'bossy' verbs that we could use when writing our instructions. After this, we wrote instructions for 'How to Make a Jam Sandwich' so that Little Red could make her Grandma a sandwich and take it to her. The children thoroughly enjoyed following their instructions and makin their own Jam Sandwich which they got to enjoy after :)

Storyteller Visit

We had a wonderful time with the storyteller on Thursday and all joined in enthusiastically telling the story Jack and the Beanstalk.  


The children have really risen to the challenge learning how to use the mouse pad on the laptops. They also learnt how to turn on the laptop, find the correct program and also turn off the laptops correctly. 
